Anna and Chris: April 15, 2006

Frequently Asked Questions

These questions have actually been asked frequently, so we’re answering them now before things get out of hand.

Is there really a wedding webcast?
Absolutely! You can watch the wedding live from the comfort of your own living room on April 15 at 4:00pm Pacific. Our wedding will be in the main chapel (they have different cameras for each chapel). If you miss it, don’t worry — the video will be archived on the chapel’s website for three months. Hooray for technology!
Will you be playing your accordions at the wedding?
No. We’re leaving the music to the King. And Gordy.
Where’s the honeymoon?
We’re going to the beautiful Cook Islands, splitting our time between the main island, Rarotonga, and the idyllic lagoon island of Aitutaki. Expect lots of postcards.
Where are you registered?
We’re registered at Crate & Barrel and Macy’s. If you’re feeling especially generous, we’d settle for some Palo Alto real estate.
Can Anna get me free books at the library?
Yes. Yes she can.